AccountInformation | Static class representing account information |
Shell.Action | Structure to represent the contents of system features |
ActionBase | The base class for all actions |
ActionManager | The ActionManager is the singleton object that manages all Node's actions |
ActionTweenGeneric< T > | The base class for generic interpolating actions, you just pass set/get functions |
ActionTweenGenericVector2 | ActionTweenGenericVector2 does a simple element wise blend from start value to target value |
ActionTweenGenericVector2Rotation | ActionTweenGenericVector2Rotation interpolates a unit vector (a unit vector interpreted as a rotation) |
ActionTweenGenericVector2Scale | ActionTweenGenericVector2Scale is similar to ActionTweenGenericVector2, but acts on scale values (multiplicative) |
ActionTweenGenericVector4 | ActionTweenGenericVector4 does a simple element wise blend from start value to target value |
ActionWithDuration | The base class for actions with a finite duration |
AnimationImageBox | Animation display widgets by image switching |
AnimationUtility | Utility for animation |
DrawHelpers.ArrowParams | Arrow parameters passed to DrawArrow |
BasicArrays | Class representing a model vertex array |
BasicBone | Class representing a model bone |
BasicFCurve | Class representing a model function curve |
BasicLayer | Class representing a model layer |
BasicMaterial | Class representing a model material |
BasicMesh | Class representing a model mesh |
BasicModel | Class representing a model |
BasicMotion | Class representing a model motion |
BasicParameters | Class representing basic program parameters |
BasicPart | Class representing a model part |
BasicProgram | Class representing a basic program |
BasicProgramContainer | Class representing a program container |
BasicTexture | Class representing a model texture |
BasicTextureContainer | Class representing a texture container |
Bgm | Music data |
BgmPlayer | Class providing music playback features |
BlendFunc | Structure representing the alpha-blending function |
BlendMode | BlendMode wraps the blend state (BlendFunc+'enabled' bool) and provides some human friendly blend mode names |
Bounds2 | An axis aligned box class in 2D |
BunjeeJumpEffect | Effect in which the widget falls from above, hops a little, and then stops |
BusyIndicator | A widget used to display the progress status |
Button | Button widget |
Input2.ButtonState | Button data structure shared between various helper wrap of Input.GamePad, Input.Touch and the Keyboard |
Byte2 | Vector of 2 signed bytes |
Byte2N | Vector of 2 normalized signed bytes |
Byte3 | Vector of 3 signed bytes |
Byte3N | Vector of 3 normalized signed bytes |
Byte4 | Vector of 4 signed bytes |
Byte4N | Vector of 4 normalized signed bytes |
ByteN | Scalar normalized signed byte |
TextureInfo.CachedTileData | Cached UV information for each tile |
CallFunc | A one shot action that calls a user function |
Camera | Class representing a camera |
Camera2D | 2D view setup and navigation |
Camera3D | The 3D camera here is quite primitive, as the library is mainly 2D |
CameraImportDialog | Common dialog class to take a photograph |
CameraInfo | Detailed information of the camera |
CameraSize | Resolution of the camera image |
FontMap.CharData | The UV data for a single character |
CharMetrics | Metrics information per character |
CheckBox | Check box widget |
Clipboard | Class for accessing the clipboard |
ColorBuffer | Class representing the color buffer |
Colors | Some named colored constants |
ContainerWidget | Widget which has the container feature |
ConvexPoly2 | A convex polygon class in 2D |
CrossFadeTransition | Cross-fade transition |
CullFace | Structure representing back-face culling |
CustomButtonImageSettings | Setting information of button custom image |
CustomCheckBoxImageSettings | Setting information of custom image |
DatePicker | A widget to select the date |
DatePickerValueChangedEventArgs | Event argument when the DatePicker value has changed |
DebugFlags | The flag bits used by Director.Instance.DebugFlags |
GraphicsContextAlpha.DebugStats_ | DebugStats at the moment only stores a DrawArrays calls counter |
SpriteRenderer.DefaultFontShader_ | Font's default shader |
SpriteRenderer.DefaultShader_ | Sprites's default shader: texture modulated by a color |
DelayedExecutor | Effect processed after a certain time has elapsed |
DelayTime | A wait action, that ends after a user specified duration |
DepthBuffer | Class representing the depth buffer |
DepthFunc | Structure representing the depth test function |
Dialog | Modal Dialog |
DialogEventArgs | Dialog event argument |
Director | The Director is a singleton (accessed via Director.Instance) that manages the scene stack and calls the update loop of the Scheduler and ActionManager |
DoubleTapEventArgs | Double-tap event argument |
DoubleTapGestureDetector | Double-tap detector |
DragEventArgs | Drag event argument |
DragGestureDetector | Drag detector |
DrawHelpers | Some basic drawing functionalities (2D/3D) |
EditableText | Editable text widget |
Effect | Base class of animation applying to widget or element |
EmbeddedDebugFontData | Embedded font data for on screen debug prints |
ParticleSystem.EmitterParams | This class regroups all the parameters needed to initialize a particle |
FadeInEffect | Fade-in effect |
FadeOutEffect | Fade-out effect |
FlickEventArgs | Flick event argument |
FlickGestureDetector | Flick detector |
FlipBoardEffect | Effect that folds in the middle |
FlipBoardTransition | Transition that folds in the middle |
FMath | Math wrapper and convenience functions |
FocusChangedEventArgs | FocusChanged event argument |
FocusCustomSettings | Focus custom setting |
Font | Font |
FontMap | Given a Font object and a text containing all the characters you intend to use, FontMap creates a Texture2D object containg the characters and its corresponding table of UVs |
FontMetrics | Font metrics information |
FrameBuffer | Class representing the frame buffer |
Camera.FrameChangedEventArgs | Argument class passed with the event that occurs when the stream image frame has changed |
Frustum | Frustum object, used by Camera2D and Camera3D |
GamePad | Class representing the gamepad device |
Input2.GamePad | Wrap Input.GamePad (button bits) |
GamePadData | Gamepad data |
Input2.GamePadData | Wrap Input.GamePadData |
GestureDetector | Base class of gesture detection mechanism |
GestureEventArgs | Base class of gesture event argument |
GraphicsCaps | Class representing the graphics capacity |
GraphicsContext | Class representing the graphics context |
GraphicsContextAlpha | Augment Sce.PlayStation.Core.Graphics.GraphicsContext with a matrix stack and a couple of other functions |
GridListPanel | List widget with multiple rows and columns |
Half | Scalar half |
Half2 | Vector of 2 halfs |
Half3 | Vector of 3 halfs |
Half4 | Vector of 4 halfs |
ICamera | A common interface for Camera2D and Camera3D |
ICollisionBasics | Common interface for Bounds2, Sphere2, ConvexPoly2 |
ICommonDialog | Interface common to the Common Dialog |
Image | Image |
ImageAsset | Image asset class |
ImageBox | A widget that displays an image |
ImageColor | Pixel color |
ImagePosition | Coordinate within the image (upper left being the origin) |
ImageRect | Rectangular area within the image |
ImageSize | Image size |
ImmediateMode< T > | An immediate mode vertex array that you can write everyframe using a ImmBegin()/ImmVertex()/ImmEnd() OpenGL style interface |
ImmediateModeQuads< T > | ImmediateModeQuads wraps ImmediateMode to deal with quad rendering only |
InAppPurchaseDialog | Class representing the dialog for processing In-App billing |
InAppPurchaseProduct | Class representing a product that can be purchased with In-App Purchase |
InAppPurchaseProductList | Class representing a list of products that can be purchased with In-App Purchase |
Input2 | Wrap Sce.PlayStation.Core.Input so that input conditional expressions are less verbose |
ParticleSystem.IParticleShader | ParticleSystem's shader interface |
SpriteRenderer.ISpriteShader | That's all the interface we require from the shaders set by user |
JumpFlipEffect | Effect that jumps forward, flips, and then changes |
JumpFlipTransition | Transition that jumps forward, flips, and then changes |
KeyEvent | Key event information |
KeyEventArgs | Key event argument |
Label | Draw text primitive |
Label | A widget that displays a character string |
ListPanel | List widget with multiple rows |
ListPanelItem | Container widget for list item |
ListPanelItemSelectChangedEventArgs | Event argument called when list item is selected |
ListSection | Container part for list section |
ListSectionCollection | Collection of sections |
LiveFlipPanel | A container widget that rotates depending on an event |
LiveJumpPanel | A container widget that jumps a child widget to the foreground of the screen |
LiveListPanel | List widgets scrolled by irregular position of items |
LiveScrollPanel | A container widget scrolled while the shape is distorted |
LiveSphere | Spherical widget |
LiveSpringPanel | Panel that vibrates a child widget according to the acceleration sensor or panel movement |
TRS.Local | Some aliases for commonly used points that can be passed to Centering |
Location | Class representing location information |
LocationData | Location information |
LongPressEventArgs | Long press event argument |
LongPressGestureDetector | Long press detector |
Math | Some extensions to the math/vector lib |
Matrix3 | A 3x3 matrix class for 2D operations (similar to Matrix4) |
Matrix4 | Matrix of 16 floats |
MatrixStack | A simple, OpenGL like, transform stack, with some optimization hints for dealing with orthonormal matrices |
MessageDialog | Specialized modal dialog for displaying warning messages |
MessageDialogButtonEventArgs | Event argument of message dialog |
MinimizedEventArgs | Data passed from a minimized event |
Motion | Class representing a motion sensor |
MotionData | Motion sensor data |
MotionEvent | Motion event class |
MotionEventArgs | Motion event argument |
MoveBy | An action that gradually adds an offset to the current position |
MoveEffect | Effect that moves from the current position to a specified location |
MoveTo | An action that gradually moves position to the specified target |
Network | Network class which handles scoreboard usage |
NetworkRequest | Network request class |
NetworkResponse | Network response class |
NetworkStreamReader | Stream reader class |
NinePatchMargin | Structure for storing 9-patch information |
Node | Node is the base class for all scenegraph nodes |
PagePanel | A container widget that scrolls by page |
Panel | Widget which has the container feature |
ParticleSystem.Particle | Particle object returned by CreateParticle |
Particles | Particles wraps a single ParticleSystem into a scenegraph node |
ParticleSystem.ParticleShaderDefault | Default shader, texture modulated by a color |
ParticleSystem | A simple particle system effect |
PersistentMemory | Class providing persistent memory area |
PhotoImportDialog | Common dialog class to select a photograph |
PhysicsBody | Rigid Body is defined with many attributes |
PhysicsJoint | Joint |
PhysicsScene | Physics2D simulation base scene |
PhysicsShape | All shapes are defined as convex type |
PhysicsSolverPair | Contains actual contact point for collision pair |
PhysicsSpring | Spring |
PhysicsUtility | Utility class for Physics2D |
Camera.PictureStateChangedEventArgs | Argument class passed with the event that occurs when the picture state has changed |
PinchEventArgs | Pinch event argument |
PinchGestureDetector | Pinch detector |
PitchRoll | Pitch/roll rotations helper object/functions |
PixelBuffer | Base class representing the pixel buffer |
Plane2 | A plane class in 2D |
Plane3D | The Plane3D node allows 3d orientations in the scenegraph, to some extent |
PolygonOffset | Structure representing the polygon offset |
PopupList | Widget for selecting one option from among multiple options |
PopupListItemCollection | Collection for ListItems of PopupList |
PopupListItemsChangedEventArgs | Event argument for ListItemsChanged of PopupList |
PopupSelectionChangedEventArgs | Event argument called when item selected in PopupList changes |
PressStateChangedEventArgs | PressStateChanged event argument |
Primitive | Structure representing the primitive |
ProgressBar | A widget used to display the progress level |
PushTransition | Transition in which the new scene pushes out the old scene |
Quaternion | Quaternion |
Math.RandGenerator | Wrap System.Random and extend with vector random generation |
RawSpriteTile | Data struct used by RawSpriteTileList |
RawSpriteTileList | Draw sprites in batch to reduce number of draw calls, state setup etc |
RayHit | Ray information for raycast |
Rectangle | Rectangle |
RenderTarget | Structure representing the rendering result storage destination |
Repeat | An action that repeats an action a finite number of times |
RepeatForever | An action that repeats an other action forever |
RestoredEventArgs | Data passed to the recovery event from the minimized state |
Rgb565 | 16 bit color struct with 5 bits for R, 6 bits for G, and 5 bits for G |
Rgba | 32 bit color struct, with 8 bits per channel |
Rgba4444 | 16 bit color struct with 4 bits per channel |
Rgba5551 | 16 bit color struct with 5 bits per channel for R, G, and B. and 1 bit for A |
RollPitch | Pitch/roll rotations helper object/functions |
RootUIElement | Root of the element tree |
RootWidget | Root of the widget tree |
RotateBy | An action that gradually adds an offset to the current rotation |
RotateTo | An action that gradually sets the rotation to the specified value |
ScaleBy | An action that gradually applies an extra scale to the current scale |
ScaleTo | An action that gradually sets the scale to the specified value |
Scene | Scene is the type of a root node in the scene graph |
Scene | Screen |
Scheduler | The Scheduler is the singleton that manages Node related update functions registered by the user |
ScrollBar | Widget for understanding the scroll position on the screen |
ScrollPanel | A container widget which has the area where scrolling is enabled |
Sequence | An action that runs a sequence of other actions, in order |
ShaderProgram | Class representing a shader program |
ShaderProgramOption | Class representing shader program creation options |
Shell | Class for calling system features |
Short2 | Vector of 2 signed shorts |
Short2N | Vector of 2 normalized signed shorts |
Short3 | Vector of 3 signed shorts |
Short3N | Vector of 3 normalized signed shorts |
Short4 | Vector of 4 signed shorts |
Short4N | Vector of 4 normalized signed shorts |
ShortN | Scalar normalized signed short |
ParticleSystem.SimulationParams | SimulationParams regroups all the parameters needed by the Update and Draw to advance and render the particles |
SkewBy | An action that gradually adds an offset to the current skew |
SkewTo | An action that gradually sets the skew to the specified value |
SlideInEffect | Effect in which the object slides laterally into view from outside the screen |
SlideOutEffect | Effect in which the object slides laterally out of view from the current position |
Slider | A widget for adjusting numerical values, etc |
SliderValueChangeEventArgs | Event argument when the current position has changed |
SlideTransition | Transition in which the object moves laterally and the scene changes |
Sound | Sound effects data |
SoundPlayer | Class providing sound effect playback features |
Sphere2 | A sphere class in 2D |
SpriteBase | Base class for single sprite nodes |
SpriteList | Draw sprites in batch to reduce the number of draw calls, state setup etc |
SpriteRenderer | SpriteRenderer wraps batch rendering of sprites in a simple BeginSprites / AddSprite x N / EndSprite API |
SpriteTile | SpriteTile is a sprite for which you specify a tile index (1D or 2D) in a TextureInfo |
SpriteUV | SpriteUV is a sprite for which you set uvs manually |
StencilFunc | Structure representing the stencil test function |
StencilOp | Structure representing the stencil test operation |
SystemEvents | Class to receive events from the system |
SystemParameters | Class to receive system parameters |
TapEventArgs | Tap event argument |
TapGestureDetector | Tap detector |
TextChangedEventArgs | Event argument when the text has changed |
TextInputDialog | Text input dialog |
TextShadowSettings | Setting information of shadow of character string |
Texture | Base class representing a texture |
Texture2D | Class representing a 2D texture |
TextureCube | Class representing a cube texture |
TextureFilter | Structure representing the texture filter |
TextureInfo | TextureInfo holds a Texture2D object and caches associated tile UV data |
TextureWrap | Structure representing the texture wrap |
TiltDropEffect | Effect that falls in a downward direction |
TiltDropTransition | Transition that falls in a downward direction |
TimePicker | A widget to select the time |
TimePickerValueChangedEventArgs | Event argument when the TimePicker value has changed |
Timer | A simple timer |
TintBy | An action that gradually adds an offset to the color |
TintTo | An action that gradually sets the color to the specified value |
Input2.Touch | Wrap Input.Touch |
Touch | Class representing the touch panel device |
TouchData | Touch information for one finger on the touch panel |
Input2.TouchData | Wrap Input.TouchData |
TouchEvent | Touch event class |
TouchEventArgs | Touch event argument |
TouchEventCollection | Class that holds multiple touch events at the same time |
Transition | Base class of animation to be applied to scene |
TransitionCrossFade | TransitionCrossFade uses a blend to cross fades the 2 transitioning scenes |
TransitionDirectionalFade | TransitionDirectionalFade uses a translating blend mask to cross fade between 2 scenes |
TransitionFadeBase | Base class for scenes transition doing a fade of some kind, requiring offscreen rendering for both scenes |
TransitionScene | Base class for scenes transition nodes |
TransitionSolidFade | TransitionSolidFade fades the current scene to black before fading the next scene in |
TRS | TRS comes from scenegraph terminology and is used to store a Translate/Rotate/Scale 2d transform in a canonical way |
UByte2 | Vector of 2 unsigned shorts |
UByte2N | Vector of 2 normalized unsigned bytes |
UByte3 | Vector of 3 unsigned shorts |
UByte3N | Vector of 3 normalized unsigned bytes |
UByte4 | Vector of 4 unsigned bytes |
UByte4N | Vector of 4 normalized unsigned bytes |
UByteN | Scalar normalized unsigned byte |
UIAnimationPlayer | Class that plays back uia format animation |
UIColor | Structure for handling color |
UIDebug | Utility class used in UI Toolkit debugging |
UIElement | Base class of rendering element |
UIFont | Font class used by UI |
UIMotion | Class that plays back uim format motion |
UIPrimitive | Primitive |
UIPrimitiveUtility | Primitive utility |
UIPrimitiveVertex | Vertex data managed by UIPrimitive |
UISprite | Renders multiple rectangles at the same time |
UISpriteUnit | Rectangle data managed by UISprite |
UISpriteUtility | Sprite utility |
UISystem | Class managing the entire UI Toolkit system |
UpdateEventArgs | Class storing data of update processing events |
UShort2 | Vector of 2 unsigned shorts |
UShort2N | Vector of 2 normalized unsigned shorts |
UShort3 | Vector of 3 unsigned shorts |
UShort3N | Vector of 3 normalized unsigned shorts |
UShort4 | Vector of 4 unsigned shorts |
UShort4N | Vector of 4 normalized unsigned shorts |
UShortN | Scalar normalized unsigned short |
Vector2 | Vector of 2 floats |
Vector2i | Integer version of Vector2 |
Vector3 | Vector of 3 floats |
Vector3i | Integer version of Vector3 |
Vector4 | Vector of 4 floats |
DrawHelpers.Vertex | The vertex type used by DrawHelpers (V4F_C4F) |
VertexBuffer | Class representing the vertex buffer |
Widget | Base class of widget |
ZoomEffect | Effect that enlarges or reduces the current scale to the specified scale |