Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AccountInformationStatic class representing account information
Shell.ActionStructure to represent the contents of system features
ActionBaseThe base class for all actions
ActionManagerThe ActionManager is the singleton object that manages all Node's actions
ActionTweenGeneric< T >The base class for generic interpolating actions, you just pass set/get functions
ActionTweenGenericVector2ActionTweenGenericVector2 does a simple element wise blend from start value to target value
ActionTweenGenericVector2RotationActionTweenGenericVector2Rotation interpolates a unit vector (a unit vector interpreted as a rotation)
ActionTweenGenericVector2ScaleActionTweenGenericVector2Scale is similar to ActionTweenGenericVector2, but acts on scale values (multiplicative)
ActionTweenGenericVector4ActionTweenGenericVector4 does a simple element wise blend from start value to target value
ActionWithDurationThe base class for actions with a finite duration
AnimationImageBoxAnimation display widgets by image switching
AnimationUtilityUtility for animation
DrawHelpers.ArrowParamsArrow parameters passed to DrawArrow
BasicArraysClass representing a model vertex array
BasicBoneClass representing a model bone
BasicFCurveClass representing a model function curve
BasicLayerClass representing a model layer
BasicMaterialClass representing a model material
BasicMeshClass representing a model mesh
BasicModelClass representing a model
BasicMotionClass representing a model motion
BasicParametersClass representing basic program parameters
BasicPartClass representing a model part
BasicProgramClass representing a basic program
BasicProgramContainerClass representing a program container
BasicTextureClass representing a model texture
BasicTextureContainerClass representing a texture container
BgmMusic data
BgmPlayerClass providing music playback features
BlendFuncStructure representing the alpha-blending function
BlendModeBlendMode wraps the blend state (BlendFunc+'enabled' bool) and provides some human friendly blend mode names
Bounds2An axis aligned box class in 2D
BunjeeJumpEffectEffect in which the widget falls from above, hops a little, and then stops
BusyIndicatorA widget used to display the progress status
ButtonButton widget
Input2.ButtonStateButton data structure shared between various helper wrap of Input.GamePad, Input.Touch and the Keyboard
Byte2Vector of 2 signed bytes
Byte2NVector of 2 normalized signed bytes
Byte3Vector of 3 signed bytes
Byte3NVector of 3 normalized signed bytes
Byte4Vector of 4 signed bytes
Byte4NVector of 4 normalized signed bytes
ByteNScalar normalized signed byte
TextureInfo.CachedTileDataCached UV information for each tile
CallFuncA one shot action that calls a user function
CameraClass representing a camera
Camera2D2D view setup and navigation
Camera3DThe 3D camera here is quite primitive, as the library is mainly 2D
CameraImportDialogCommon dialog class to take a photograph
CameraInfoDetailed information of the camera
CameraSizeResolution of the camera image
FontMap.CharDataThe UV data for a single character
CharMetricsMetrics information per character
CheckBoxCheck box widget
ClipboardClass for accessing the clipboard
ColorBufferClass representing the color buffer
ColorsSome named colored constants
ContainerWidgetWidget which has the container feature
ConvexPoly2A convex polygon class in 2D
CrossFadeTransitionCross-fade transition
CullFaceStructure representing back-face culling
CustomButtonImageSettingsSetting information of button custom image
CustomCheckBoxImageSettingsSetting information of custom image
DatePickerA widget to select the date
DatePickerValueChangedEventArgsEvent argument when the DatePicker value has changed
DebugFlagsThe flag bits used by Director.Instance.DebugFlags
GraphicsContextAlpha.DebugStats_DebugStats at the moment only stores a DrawArrays calls counter
SpriteRenderer.DefaultFontShader_Font's default shader
SpriteRenderer.DefaultShader_Sprites's default shader: texture modulated by a color
DelayedExecutorEffect processed after a certain time has elapsed
DelayTimeA wait action, that ends after a user specified duration
DepthBufferClass representing the depth buffer
DepthFuncStructure representing the depth test function
DialogModal Dialog
DialogEventArgsDialog event argument
DirectorThe Director is a singleton (accessed via Director.Instance) that manages the scene stack and calls the update loop of the Scheduler and ActionManager
DoubleTapEventArgsDouble-tap event argument
DoubleTapGestureDetectorDouble-tap detector
DragEventArgsDrag event argument
DragGestureDetectorDrag detector
DrawHelpersSome basic drawing functionalities (2D/3D)
EditableTextEditable text widget
EffectBase class of animation applying to widget or element
EmbeddedDebugFontDataEmbedded font data for on screen debug prints
ParticleSystem.EmitterParamsThis class regroups all the parameters needed to initialize a particle
FadeInEffectFade-in effect
FadeOutEffectFade-out effect
FlickEventArgsFlick event argument
FlickGestureDetectorFlick detector
FlipBoardEffectEffect that folds in the middle
FlipBoardTransitionTransition that folds in the middle
FMathMath wrapper and convenience functions
FocusChangedEventArgsFocusChanged event argument
FocusCustomSettingsFocus custom setting
FontMapGiven a Font object and a text containing all the characters you intend to use, FontMap creates a Texture2D object containg the characters and its corresponding table of UVs
FontMetricsFont metrics information
FrameBufferClass representing the frame buffer
Camera.FrameChangedEventArgsArgument class passed with the event that occurs when the stream image frame has changed
FrustumFrustum object, used by Camera2D and Camera3D
GamePadClass representing the gamepad device
Input2.GamePadWrap Input.GamePad (button bits)
GamePadDataGamepad data
Input2.GamePadDataWrap Input.GamePadData
GestureDetectorBase class of gesture detection mechanism
GestureEventArgsBase class of gesture event argument
GraphicsCapsClass representing the graphics capacity
GraphicsContextClass representing the graphics context
GraphicsContextAlphaAugment Sce.PlayStation.Core.Graphics.GraphicsContext with a matrix stack and a couple of other functions
GridListPanelList widget with multiple rows and columns
HalfScalar half
Half2Vector of 2 halfs
Half3Vector of 3 halfs
Half4Vector of 4 halfs
ICameraA common interface for Camera2D and Camera3D
ICollisionBasicsCommon interface for Bounds2, Sphere2, ConvexPoly2
ICommonDialogInterface common to the Common Dialog
ImageAssetImage asset class
ImageBoxA widget that displays an image
ImageColorPixel color
ImagePositionCoordinate within the image (upper left being the origin)
ImageRectRectangular area within the image
ImageSizeImage size
ImmediateMode< T >An immediate mode vertex array that you can write everyframe using a ImmBegin()/ImmVertex()/ImmEnd() OpenGL style interface
ImmediateModeQuads< T >ImmediateModeQuads wraps ImmediateMode to deal with quad rendering only
InAppPurchaseDialogClass representing the dialog for processing In-App billing
InAppPurchaseProductClass representing a product that can be purchased with In-App Purchase
InAppPurchaseProductListClass representing a list of products that can be purchased with In-App Purchase
Input2Wrap Sce.PlayStation.Core.Input so that input conditional expressions are less verbose
ParticleSystem.IParticleShaderParticleSystem's shader interface
SpriteRenderer.ISpriteShaderThat's all the interface we require from the shaders set by user
JumpFlipEffectEffect that jumps forward, flips, and then changes
JumpFlipTransitionTransition that jumps forward, flips, and then changes
KeyEventKey event information
KeyEventArgsKey event argument
LabelDraw text primitive
LabelA widget that displays a character string
ListPanelList widget with multiple rows
ListPanelItemContainer widget for list item
ListPanelItemSelectChangedEventArgsEvent argument called when list item is selected
ListSectionContainer part for list section
ListSectionCollectionCollection of sections
LiveFlipPanelA container widget that rotates depending on an event
LiveJumpPanelA container widget that jumps a child widget to the foreground of the screen
LiveListPanelList widgets scrolled by irregular position of items
LiveScrollPanelA container widget scrolled while the shape is distorted
LiveSphereSpherical widget
LiveSpringPanelPanel that vibrates a child widget according to the acceleration sensor or panel movement
TRS.LocalSome aliases for commonly used points that can be passed to Centering
LocationClass representing location information
LocationDataLocation information
LongPressEventArgsLong press event argument
LongPressGestureDetectorLong press detector
MathSome extensions to the math/vector lib
Matrix3A 3x3 matrix class for 2D operations (similar to Matrix4)
Matrix4Matrix of 16 floats
MatrixStackA simple, OpenGL like, transform stack, with some optimization hints for dealing with orthonormal matrices
MessageDialogSpecialized modal dialog for displaying warning messages
MessageDialogButtonEventArgsEvent argument of message dialog
MinimizedEventArgsData passed from a minimized event
MotionClass representing a motion sensor
MotionDataMotion sensor data
MotionEventMotion event class
MotionEventArgsMotion event argument
MoveByAn action that gradually adds an offset to the current position
MoveEffectEffect that moves from the current position to a specified location
MoveToAn action that gradually moves position to the specified target
NetworkNetwork class which handles scoreboard usage
NetworkRequestNetwork request class
NetworkResponseNetwork response class
NetworkStreamReaderStream reader class
NinePatchMarginStructure for storing 9-patch information
NodeNode is the base class for all scenegraph nodes
PagePanelA container widget that scrolls by page
PanelWidget which has the container feature
ParticleSystem.ParticleParticle object returned by CreateParticle
ParticlesParticles wraps a single ParticleSystem into a scenegraph node
ParticleSystem.ParticleShaderDefaultDefault shader, texture modulated by a color
ParticleSystemA simple particle system effect
PersistentMemoryClass providing persistent memory area
PhotoImportDialogCommon dialog class to select a photograph
PhysicsBodyRigid Body is defined with many attributes
PhysicsScenePhysics2D simulation base scene
PhysicsShapeAll shapes are defined as convex type
PhysicsSolverPairContains actual contact point for collision pair
PhysicsUtilityUtility class for Physics2D
Camera.PictureStateChangedEventArgsArgument class passed with the event that occurs when the picture state has changed
PinchEventArgsPinch event argument
PinchGestureDetectorPinch detector
PitchRollPitch/roll rotations helper object/functions
PixelBufferBase class representing the pixel buffer
Plane2A plane class in 2D
Plane3DThe Plane3D node allows 3d orientations in the scenegraph, to some extent
PolygonOffsetStructure representing the polygon offset
PopupListWidget for selecting one option from among multiple options
PopupListItemCollectionCollection for ListItems of PopupList
PopupListItemsChangedEventArgsEvent argument for ListItemsChanged of PopupList
PopupSelectionChangedEventArgsEvent argument called when item selected in PopupList changes
PressStateChangedEventArgsPressStateChanged event argument
PrimitiveStructure representing the primitive
ProgressBarA widget used to display the progress level
PushTransitionTransition in which the new scene pushes out the old scene
Math.RandGeneratorWrap System.Random and extend with vector random generation
RawSpriteTileData struct used by RawSpriteTileList
RawSpriteTileListDraw sprites in batch to reduce number of draw calls, state setup etc
RayHitRay information for raycast
RenderTargetStructure representing the rendering result storage destination
RepeatAn action that repeats an action a finite number of times
RepeatForeverAn action that repeats an other action forever
RestoredEventArgsData passed to the recovery event from the minimized state
Rgb56516 bit color struct with 5 bits for R, 6 bits for G, and 5 bits for G
Rgba32 bit color struct, with 8 bits per channel
Rgba444416 bit color struct with 4 bits per channel
Rgba555116 bit color struct with 5 bits per channel for R, G, and B. and 1 bit for A
RollPitchPitch/roll rotations helper object/functions
RootUIElementRoot of the element tree
RootWidgetRoot of the widget tree
RotateByAn action that gradually adds an offset to the current rotation
RotateToAn action that gradually sets the rotation to the specified value
ScaleByAn action that gradually applies an extra scale to the current scale
ScaleToAn action that gradually sets the scale to the specified value
SceneScene is the type of a root node in the scene graph
SchedulerThe Scheduler is the singleton that manages Node related update functions registered by the user
ScrollBarWidget for understanding the scroll position on the screen
ScrollPanelA container widget which has the area where scrolling is enabled
SequenceAn action that runs a sequence of other actions, in order
ShaderProgramClass representing a shader program
ShaderProgramOptionClass representing shader program creation options
ShellClass for calling system features
Short2Vector of 2 signed shorts
Short2NVector of 2 normalized signed shorts
Short3Vector of 3 signed shorts
Short3NVector of 3 normalized signed shorts
Short4Vector of 4 signed shorts
Short4NVector of 4 normalized signed shorts
ShortNScalar normalized signed short
ParticleSystem.SimulationParamsSimulationParams regroups all the parameters needed by the Update and Draw to advance and render the particles
SkewByAn action that gradually adds an offset to the current skew
SkewToAn action that gradually sets the skew to the specified value
SlideInEffectEffect in which the object slides laterally into view from outside the screen
SlideOutEffectEffect in which the object slides laterally out of view from the current position
SliderA widget for adjusting numerical values, etc
SliderValueChangeEventArgsEvent argument when the current position has changed
SlideTransitionTransition in which the object moves laterally and the scene changes
SoundSound effects data
SoundPlayerClass providing sound effect playback features
Sphere2A sphere class in 2D
SpriteBaseBase class for single sprite nodes
SpriteListDraw sprites in batch to reduce the number of draw calls, state setup etc
SpriteRendererSpriteRenderer wraps batch rendering of sprites in a simple BeginSprites / AddSprite x N / EndSprite API
SpriteTileSpriteTile is a sprite for which you specify a tile index (1D or 2D) in a TextureInfo
SpriteUVSpriteUV is a sprite for which you set uvs manually
StencilFuncStructure representing the stencil test function
StencilOpStructure representing the stencil test operation
SystemEventsClass to receive events from the system
SystemParametersClass to receive system parameters
TapEventArgsTap event argument
TapGestureDetectorTap detector
TextChangedEventArgsEvent argument when the text has changed
TextInputDialogText input dialog
TextShadowSettingsSetting information of shadow of character string
TextureBase class representing a texture
Texture2DClass representing a 2D texture
TextureCubeClass representing a cube texture
TextureFilterStructure representing the texture filter
TextureInfoTextureInfo holds a Texture2D object and caches associated tile UV data
TextureWrapStructure representing the texture wrap
TiltDropEffectEffect that falls in a downward direction
TiltDropTransitionTransition that falls in a downward direction
TimePickerA widget to select the time
TimePickerValueChangedEventArgsEvent argument when the TimePicker value has changed
TimerA simple timer
TintByAn action that gradually adds an offset to the color
TintToAn action that gradually sets the color to the specified value
Input2.TouchWrap Input.Touch
TouchClass representing the touch panel device
TouchDataTouch information for one finger on the touch panel
Input2.TouchDataWrap Input.TouchData
TouchEventTouch event class
TouchEventArgsTouch event argument
TouchEventCollectionClass that holds multiple touch events at the same time
TransitionBase class of animation to be applied to scene
TransitionCrossFadeTransitionCrossFade uses a blend to cross fades the 2 transitioning scenes
TransitionDirectionalFadeTransitionDirectionalFade uses a translating blend mask to cross fade between 2 scenes
TransitionFadeBaseBase class for scenes transition doing a fade of some kind, requiring offscreen rendering for both scenes
TransitionSceneBase class for scenes transition nodes
TransitionSolidFadeTransitionSolidFade fades the current scene to black before fading the next scene in
TRSTRS comes from scenegraph terminology and is used to store a Translate/Rotate/Scale 2d transform in a canonical way
UByte2Vector of 2 unsigned shorts
UByte2NVector of 2 normalized unsigned bytes
UByte3Vector of 3 unsigned shorts
UByte3NVector of 3 normalized unsigned bytes
UByte4Vector of 4 unsigned bytes
UByte4NVector of 4 normalized unsigned bytes
UByteNScalar normalized unsigned byte
UIAnimationPlayerClass that plays back uia format animation
UIColorStructure for handling color
UIDebugUtility class used in UI Toolkit debugging
UIElementBase class of rendering element
UIFontFont class used by UI
UIMotionClass that plays back uim format motion
UIPrimitiveUtilityPrimitive utility
UIPrimitiveVertexVertex data managed by UIPrimitive
UISpriteRenders multiple rectangles at the same time
UISpriteUnitRectangle data managed by UISprite
UISpriteUtilitySprite utility
UISystemClass managing the entire UI Toolkit system
UpdateEventArgsClass storing data of update processing events
UShort2Vector of 2 unsigned shorts
UShort2NVector of 2 normalized unsigned shorts
UShort3Vector of 3 unsigned shorts
UShort3NVector of 3 normalized unsigned shorts
UShort4Vector of 4 unsigned shorts
UShort4NVector of 4 normalized unsigned shorts
UShortNScalar normalized unsigned short
Vector2Vector of 2 floats
Vector2iInteger version of Vector2
Vector3Vector of 3 floats
Vector3iInteger version of Vector3
Vector4Vector of 4 floats
DrawHelpers.VertexThe vertex type used by DrawHelpers (V4F_C4F)
VertexBufferClass representing the vertex buffer
WidgetBase class of widget
ZoomEffectEffect that enlarges or reduces the current scale to the specified scale