Package Sce.PlayStation.HighLevel.GameEngine2D.Base


class  Camera2D
 2D view setup and navigation. More...
class  Frustum
 Frustum object, used by Camera2D and Camera3D. More...
class  Camera3D
 The 3D camera here is quite primitive, as the library is mainly 2D. More...
class  DrawHelpers
 Some basic drawing functionalities (2D/3D). More...
class  EmbeddedDebugFontData
 Embedded font data for on screen debug prints. More...
class  FontMap
 Given a Font object and a text containing all the characters you intend to use, FontMap creates a Texture2D object containg the characters and its corresponding table of UVs. More...
struct  BlendMode
 BlendMode wraps the blend state (BlendFunc+'enabled' bool) and provides some human friendly blend mode names. More...
class  GraphicsContextAlpha
 Augment Sce.PlayStation.Core.Graphics.GraphicsContext with a matrix stack and a couple of other functions. More...
class  Colors
 Some named colored constants. More...
interface  ICamera
 A common interface for Camera2D and Camera3D. More...
class  ImmediateMode
 An immediate mode vertex array that you can write everyframe using a ImmBegin()/ImmVertex()/ImmEnd() OpenGL style interface. More...
class  ImmediateModeQuads
 ImmediateModeQuads wraps ImmediateMode to deal with quad rendering only. More...
class  Input2
 Wrap Sce.PlayStation.Core.Input so that input conditional expressions are less verbose. More...
class  Math
 Some extensions to the math/vector lib. More...
struct  Vector2i
 Integer version of Vector2. More...
struct  Vector3i
 Integer version of Vector3. More...
interface  ICollisionBasics
 Common interface for Bounds2, Sphere2, ConvexPoly2. More...
struct  Bounds2
 An axis aligned box class in 2D. More...
struct  Plane2
 A plane class in 2D. More...
struct  Sphere2
 A sphere class in 2D. More...
struct  ConvexPoly2
 A convex polygon class in 2D. More...
struct  Matrix3
 A 3x3 matrix class for 2D operations (similar to Matrix4). More...
class  MatrixStack
 A simple, OpenGL like, transform stack, with some optimization hints for dealing with orthonormal matrices. More...
class  PitchRoll
 Pitch/roll rotations helper object/functions. More...
class  RollPitch
 Pitch/roll rotations helper object/functions. More...
class  SpriteRenderer
 SpriteRenderer wraps batch rendering of sprites in a simple BeginSprites / AddSprite x N / EndSprite API. More...
class  TextureInfo
 TextureInfo holds a Texture2D object and caches associated tile UV data. More...
class  Timer
 A simple timer. More...
struct  TRS
 TRS comes from scenegraph terminology and is used to store a Translate/Rotate/Scale 2d transform in a canonical way. More...