Package Sce.PlayStation.HighLevel.GameEngine2D


package  Base


class  ActionBase
 The base class for all actions. More...
class  ActionWithDuration
 The base class for actions with a finite duration. More...
class  CallFunc
 A one shot action that calls a user function. More...
class  DelayTime
 A wait action, that ends after a user specified duration. More...
class  ActionTweenGeneric
 The base class for generic interpolating actions, you just pass set/get functions. More...
class  ActionTweenGenericVector2
 ActionTweenGenericVector2 does a simple element wise blend from start value to target value. More...
class  ActionTweenGenericVector4
 ActionTweenGenericVector4 does a simple element wise blend from start value to target value. More...
class  ActionTweenGenericVector2Scale
 ActionTweenGenericVector2Scale is similar to ActionTweenGenericVector2, but acts on scale values (multiplicative). More...
class  ActionTweenGenericVector2Rotation
 ActionTweenGenericVector2Rotation interpolates a unit vector (a unit vector interpreted as a rotation). More...
class  MoveBy
 An action that gradually adds an offset to the current position. More...
class  MoveTo
 An action that gradually moves position to the specified target. More...
class  ScaleBy
 An action that gradually applies an extra scale to the current scale. More...
class  ScaleTo
 An action that gradually sets the scale to the specified value. More...
class  SkewBy
 An action that gradually adds an offset to the current skew. More...
class  SkewTo
 An action that gradually sets the skew to the specified value. More...
class  RotateBy
 An action that gradually adds an offset to the current rotation. More...
class  RotateTo
 An action that gradually sets the rotation to the specified value. More...
class  TintBy
 An action that gradually adds an offset to the color. More...
class  TintTo
 An action that gradually sets the color to the specified value. More...
class  Sequence
 An action that runs a sequence of other actions, in order. More...
class  RepeatForever
 An action that repeats an other action forever. More...
class  Repeat
 An action that repeats an action a finite number of times. More...
class  ActionManager
 The ActionManager is the singleton object that manages all Node's actions. More...
class  DebugFlags
 The flag bits used by Director.Instance.DebugFlags. More...
class  Director
 The Director is a singleton (accessed via Director.Instance) that manages the scene stack and calls the update loop of the Scheduler and ActionManager. More...
class  Label
 Draw text primitive. More...
class  Node
 Node is the base class for all scenegraph nodes. More...
class  Plane3D
 The Plane3D node allows 3d orientations in the scenegraph, to some extent. More...
class  ParticleSystem
 A simple particle system effect. More...
class  Particles
 Particles wraps a single ParticleSystem into a scenegraph node. More...
class  Scene
 Scene is the type of a root node in the scene graph. More...
class  Scheduler
 The Scheduler is the singleton that manages Node related update functions registered by the user. More...
class  SpriteBase
 Base class for single sprite nodes. More...
class  SpriteUV
 SpriteUV is a sprite for which you set uvs manually. More...
class  SpriteTile
 SpriteTile is a sprite for which you specify a tile index (1D or 2D) in a TextureInfo. More...
class  SpriteList
 Draw sprites in batch to reduce the number of draw calls, state setup etc. More...
struct  RawSpriteTile
 Data struct used by RawSpriteTileList. More...
class  RawSpriteTileList
 Draw sprites in batch to reduce number of draw calls, state setup etc. More...
class  TransitionScene
 Base class for scenes transition nodes. More...
class  TransitionFadeBase
 Base class for scenes transition doing a fade of some kind, requiring offscreen rendering for both scenes. More...
class  TransitionSolidFade
 TransitionSolidFade fades the current scene to black before fading the next scene in. More...
class  TransitionCrossFade
 TransitionCrossFade uses a blend to cross fades the 2 transitioning scenes. More...
class  TransitionDirectionalFade
 TransitionDirectionalFade uses a translating blend mask to cross fade between 2 scenes. More...


delegate void DSchedulerFunc (float dt)
 The delegate type for functions added to the Scheduler has to match Node.Update's signature.
delegate float DTween (float t)
 delegate type.

Function Documentation

delegate void Sce.PlayStation.HighLevel.GameEngine2D.DSchedulerFunc ( float  dt)

The delegate type for functions added to the Scheduler has to match Node.Update's signature.

We can't use anonymous functions because we want to be able to find and delete.