構造体 Vector2i

Vector2 のint版。 [詳細]


Public メソッド

 Vector2i (int x, int y)
Vector2 Vector2 ()
 floatのVector2 型に変換して値を返します。
Vector2i Max (Vector2i value)
Vector2i Min (Vector2i value)
Vector2i Clamp (Vector2i min, Vector2i max)
Vector2i ClampIndex (Vector2i n)
 Element wise index clamp.
Vector2i WrapIndex (Vector2i n)
 Element wise index wrap.
int Product ()
 要素の積、 X*Y を返します。
bool Equals (Vector2i v)
override bool Equals (Object o)
override string ToString ()
override int GetHashCode ()

Static Public メソッド

static Vector2i operator+ (Vector2i a, Vector2i value)
static Vector2i operator- (Vector2i a, Vector2i value)
static Vector2i operator* (Vector2i a, Vector2i value)
static Vector2i operator* (Vector2i a, int value)
static Vector2i operator* (int value, Vector2i a)
static Vector2i operator/ (Vector2i a, Vector2i value)
static Vector2i operator- (Vector2i a)
static bool operator== (Vector2i a, Vector2i value)
 全ての要素が等しい場合、true を返します。
static bool operator!= (Vector2i a, Vector2i value)

Public 変数

int X
int Y


Vector2i Yx [get]


Vector2 のint版。


Vector2i ClampIndex ( Vector2i  n)

Element wise index clamp.

X is clamped to [0,n.X-1] Y is clamped to [0,n.Y-1]

nThe 2d size "this" components must be clamped against. The components of n are assumed to be positive (values of n.X or n.Y negative or zero will result in undefined behaviour).
Vector2i WrapIndex ( Vector2i  n)

Element wise index wrap.

X wraps around [0,n.X-1] Y wraps around [0,n.Y-1] This's (X,Y) is assumed to be a 2d index in a 2d table of size (n.X,n.Y). If X or Y are not in the valid array range, they are wrapped around [0,n.X-1] and [0,n.Y-1] respectively (-1 becomes n-1, n becomes 0, n+1 becomes 1 etc), else their value is unchanged.

nThe 2d size "this" components must be wrapped around. The components of n are assumed to be positive (values of n.X or n.Y negative or zero will result in undefined behaviour).


int X


int Y



Vector2i Yx [get]