GameEngine2D Overview

Sce.PlayStation.HighLevel.GameEngine2D provides a 2D game engine. It has features (such as sprites, particles, and tiles) which are required for creating 2D games. Some classes such as Director, Action, and TransitionScene are equipped with an interface similar to Cocos2d (

Base Library

The Sce.PlayStation.HighLevel.GameEngine2D.Base namespace provides fundamental classes such as math-related classes and graphics system classes which are for 2D game engines.

Director Class

Director is a class that controls the entire game engine. It has features for managing the scene class and features related to main loops.

Action Class

Action is a feature for executing various features (such as object movement/rotation, enlarging/reduction, and color changing) over a period of time.

Node Class

Node is a base class that represents scene graph nodes. There are various classes that inherit the Node class such as Scene, SpriteUV, and ParticleSystem.

Scene Class

Scene is a class that represents scene graph root nodes.

SpriteUV Class

SpriteUV is a simple class for representing single sprites. The range can be specified for textures displayed with sprites.

SpriteList Class

SpriteList is a class for displaying many sprites with a single render command. For rendering performance purposes, it is appropriate to render as many sprites together as possible.

SpriteTile Class

SpriteTile is a class for rendering maps arranged in tile form.

Label Class

Label is a class for rendering character strings.

ParticleSystem Class

ParticleSystem is a class for creating visual effects (such as flames, smoke, and rain) by rendering groups of small particles. Various parameters have been introduced in order to control the particle movements.

TransitionScene Class

TransitionScene provides a number of visual effects used during scene transitions.