Classes | |
class | GraphicsContext |
Class representing the graphics context. More... | |
struct | Primitive |
Structure representing the primitive. More... | |
struct | CullFace |
Structure representing back-face culling. More... | |
struct | BlendFunc |
Structure representing the alpha-blending function. More... | |
struct | DepthFunc |
Structure representing the depth test function. More... | |
struct | PolygonOffset |
Structure representing the polygon offset. More... | |
struct | StencilFunc |
Structure representing the stencil test function. More... | |
struct | StencilOp |
Structure representing the stencil test operation. More... | |
struct | GraphicsCaps |
Class representing the graphics capacity. More... | |
class | ShaderProgram |
Class representing a shader program. More... | |
class | ShaderProgramOption |
Class representing shader program creation options. More... | |
class | VertexBuffer |
Class representing the vertex buffer. More... | |
class | PixelBuffer |
Base class representing the pixel buffer. More... | |
class | Texture |
Base class representing a texture. More... | |
class | Texture2D |
Class representing a 2D texture. More... | |
class | TextureCube |
Class representing a cube texture. More... | |
class | ColorBuffer |
Class representing the color buffer. More... | |
class | DepthBuffer |
Class representing the depth buffer. More... | |
struct | TextureFilter |
Structure representing the texture filter. More... | |
struct | TextureWrap |
Structure representing the texture wrap. More... | |
class | FrameBuffer |
Class representing the frame buffer. More... | |
struct | RenderTarget |
Structure representing the rendering result storage destination. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | ClearMask { None = 0x00, Color = 0x01, Depth = 0x02, Stencil = 0x04, All = 0x07 } |
Buffer clear mask. More... | |
enum | DrawMode { Points, Lines, LineStrip, Triangles, TriangleStrip, TriangleFan } |
Primitive rendering mode. More... | |
enum | EnableMode { None = 0x00000000, ScissorTest = 0x00000001, CullFace = 0x00000002, Blend = 0x00000004, DepthTest = 0x00000008, PolygonOffsetFill = 0x00000010, StencilTest = 0x00000020, Dither = 0x00000040, All = 0x0000007f } |
Graphics feature to enable or disable. More... | |
enum | CullFaceMode { None, Front, Back, FrontAndBack } |
Back-face culling mode. More... | |
enum | CullFaceDirection { Cw, Ccw } |
Front direction for back-face culling. More... | |
enum | BlendFuncMode { Add, Subtract, ReverseSubtract } |
Alpha-blending function mode. More... | |
enum | BlendFuncFactor { Zero, One, SrcColor, OneMinusSrcColor, SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha, DstColor, OneMinusDstColor, DstAlpha, OneMinusDstAlpha, SrcAlphaSaturate } |
Alpha-blending function coefficient. More... | |
enum | DepthFuncMode { Always, Never, Equal, NotEqual, Less, Greater, LEqual, GEqual } |
Depth test function mode. More... | |
enum | StencilFuncMode { Always, Never, Equal, NotEqual, Less, Greater, LEqual, GEqual } |
Stencil test function mode. More... | |
enum | StencilOpMode { Keep, Zero, Replace, Invert, Incr, Decr, IncrWrap, DecrWrap } |
Stencil test operation mode. More... | |
enum | ColorMask { None = 0x00, R = 0x01, G = 0x02, B = 0x04, A = 0x08, Rgb = 0x07, Rgba = 0x0f } |
Color write mask. More... | |
enum | ShaderUniformType { None = 0x0000, Float = 0x0100, Float2 = 0x0101, Float3 = 0x0102, Float4 = 0x0103, Float2x2 = 0x0111, Float3x3 = 0x0122, Float4x4 = 0x0133, Int = 0x0400, Int2 = 0x0401, Int3 = 0x0402, Int4 = 0x0403, Bool = 0x0300, Bool2 = 0x0301, Bool3 = 0x0302, Bool4 = 0x0303, Sampler2D = 0x8001, SamplerCube = 0x8002 } |
Uniform variable type. More... | |
enum | ShaderAttributeType { None = 0x0000, Float = 0x0100, Float2 = 0x0101, Float3 = 0x0102, Float4 = 0x0103 } |
Attribute variable type. More... | |
enum | VertexFormat { None = 0x0000, Float = 0x0100, Float2 = 0x0101, Float3 = 0x0102, Float4 = 0x0103, Half = 0x0200, Half2 = 0x0201, Half3 = 0x0202, Half4 = 0x0203, Short = 0x0600, Short2 = 0x0601, Short3 = 0x0602, Short4 = 0x0603, UShort = 0x0700, UShort2 = 0x0701, UShort3 = 0x0702, UShort4 = 0x0703, Byte = 0x0800, Byte2 = 0x0801, Byte3 = 0x0802, Byte4 = 0x0803, UByte = 0x0900, UByte2 = 0x0901, UByte3 = 0x0902, UByte4 = 0x0903, ShortN = 0x1600, Short2N = 0x1601, Short3N = 0x1602, Short4N = 0x1603, UShortN = 0x1700, UShort2N = 0x1701, UShort3N = 0x1702, UShort4N = 0x1703, ByteN = 0x1800, Byte2N = 0x1801, Byte3N = 0x1802, Byte4N = 0x1803, UByteN = 0x1900, UByte2N = 0x1901, UByte3N = 0x1902, UByte4N = 0x1903 } |
Vertex format. More... | |
enum | PixelBufferType { None, Texture2D, TextureCube, ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer } |
Pixel buffer type. More... | |
enum | PixelBufferOption { None = 0x00, Renderable = 0x01 } |
Pixel buffer creation option. More... | |
enum | PixelFormat { None, Rgba, RgbaH, Rgba4444, Rgba5551, Rgb565, LuminanceAlpha, LuminanceAlphaH, Luminance, LuminanceH, Alpha, AlphaH, Depth16, Depth24, Depth16Stencil8, Depth24Stencil8, Dxt1, Dxt2, Dxt3, Dxt4, Dxt5 } |
Pixel format. More... | |
enum | TextureFilterMode { Nearest, Linear, Disabled } |
Texture filter mode. More... | |
enum | TextureWrapMode { ClampToEdge, Repeat } |
Texture wrap mode. More... | |
enum | TextureCubeFace { PositiveX, NegativeX, PositiveY, NegativeY, PositiveZ, NegativeZ } |
Cube texture surface. More... | |
enum | MultiSampleMode { None, Msaa2x, Msaa4x } |
Multi-sample mode. More... |
Graphics features.
enum BlendFuncFactor |
Alpha-blending function coefficient.
enum BlendFuncMode |
enum ClearMask |
enum ColorMask |
enum CullFaceDirection |
enum CullFaceMode |
enum DepthFuncMode |
Depth test function mode.
enum EnableMode |
Graphics feature to enable or disable.
enum MultiSampleMode |
enum PixelBufferOption |
enum PixelBufferType |
enum PixelFormat |
Pixel format.
enum ShaderAttributeType |
enum ShaderUniformType |
Uniform variable type.
enum StencilFuncMode |
Stencil test function mode.
enum StencilOpMode |
Stencil test operation mode.
enum TextureCubeFace |
enum TextureFilterMode |
Texture filter mode.
enum TextureWrapMode |
Texture wrap mode.
enum VertexFormat |
Vertex format.