Sce.PlayStation.HighLevel.Physics2D provides a basic model of 2d physics simulation.
PhysicsBody is a class which indicates basic 2d rigid body and contain several parameters including velocity and acceleration etc.
PhysicsShape is a class which indicates basic 2d collision shape and it represents convex shape with the limitation of 30 vertices. But the case of sphere is treated as the exception of no vertex shape.
PhysicsJoint is a class which indicates basic 2d joint and gives the limitation to rigid body pair for angular and position. Ball joint or slider joint can be made of this PhysicsJoint.
PhysicsSpring is a class which indicates basic 2d spring and gives the limitation to rigid body pair for length.
PhysicsScene is a class which indicates basic 2d physics scene. And physics simulation is done by each scene. RaycastHit for raycast calculation is also provided by this class.
PhysicsSolverPair is collision information given to Solver Phase and it contains collision information for the rigid body pair.
PhysicsUtility is a class which is used inside the simulation and defines constant variable or static functions.